@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007480, author = {金, 彦志 and 韓, 昌完 and Kim, Eon-Ji and Han, Chang-Wan}, issue = {82}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, a research on details of the individualized Education Program which affected the Education System for Children with Disabilities in Japan and Korea after having been started in U.S.A. was conducted and the differences among them were compared. A Comparative analysis about the details and features of IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) which were shown among the U.S.A., Korea and Japan. At this point of time, this study reviewed and compared to the individuals with disabilities education improvement act in the U.S.A. and the special education act for individuals with disabilities and the like in Korea and the Special needs Education Guideline in Japan. We should consider development of IEP including special factors, IEP team attendance, reviewing, and revising the IEP, parents participation et. al. This study is expected to be utilized as a preliminary data in the process of making and revising the IEP related laws and policies in Korea and Japan, hereafter., 紀要論文}, pages = {297--308}, title = {障害児教育における個別の指導計画の比較検討-アメリカ・韓国・日本を中心に-}, year = {2013} }