@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007518, author = {新里, 隆男 and 大見謝, 恒弘 and Shinzato, Takao and Omija, Tsunehiro}, issue = {10}, journal = {琉球大学理工学部紀要. 工学篇, Bulletin of Science & Engineering Division, University of the Ryukyus. Engineering}, month = {Sep}, note = {A4-Stroke-Cycle test engine was equipped with trasparent plastic cylinder and the air rnovernents within it were studied while the engine was being rnotored. The air rnpvernents were rnade visible by METALDHYDE [( CH 3CHO)4]with the entering air,a nd high-speed motion pictures were taken of thern so that the air currents might be studied in detail and their velocities rneasured., 紀要論文}, pages = {7--13}, title = {4サイクル機関の吸入行程におけるシリンダ内のガス流動の可視化の研究}, year = {1975} }