@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007933, author = {神谷, めぐみ and Kamiya, Megumi}, issue = {4}, journal = {国際琉球沖縄論集, International Review of Ryukyuan and Okinawan Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿の目的は、「沖縄返還『密約』請求訴訟」を通して、同訴訟の端緒となった沖縄密約事件(西山事件)、沖縄返還など歴史的背景、「治者と被治者の自同性」という視点を踏まえて考察することにより、この裁判がもたらした社会的効果、影響、問題の本質は何かを明らかにすることにある。また本稿では、考察の対象を同訴訟において重要であった「知る権利」、それを具体化する「情報公開法」から逆行する「特定秘密保護法」制定過程までを一連の流れとして整理する。そして、これら新たな法整備や情勢から予測可能性を見いだし、政府の方向性が今後どこへ向かうのか、どの様な影響が予測されるのか考察する。, The purpose of this research paper is to make it clear that what kind of social effect was brought by the case noted above and what the essence of the relationship between the right to request access and the issue of the secret documents on Okinawa Reversion was, through a study of the case on the claim for disclosing secret documents on Okinawa Reversion, with a historical view of Okinawa Reversion and Nishiyama case, the theory of "co-identity of representatives and people" etc. The issues related to the right to access, Public Information Act, investigation to the secret documents by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, disclosing information, public documents management issue, the legislative history of the specified secret protection Act have relevance to each other. I would like to organize those issues as one stream. And finally, I would like to look at the direction of the Japanese government policy and the future social effect through those new legislations and the change of political situation., 紀要論文}, pages = {93--108}, title = {「知る権利」に関する一考察 : 「沖縄返還『密約』文書開示請求訴訟」を事例として}, year = {2015} }