@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007946, author = {小那覇, 洋子 and Onaha, Hiroko}, issue = {58}, journal = {琉球大学欧米文化論集 = Ryudai Review of Euro-American Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {We often draw an analogy between human memory and computers. Information around us is taken into our memory storage first, and then we use the information in storage whatever we need it in our daily life. Linguistic information is also in storage and we process our thoughts based on the memory that is stored. Memory storage consists of multiple memory systems; one of which is called working memory that includes short-term memory. Working memory is the central system that underpins the process of new information and old information. There is a storage area for verbal information and a storage area for visual information in the working memory system that is capable of holding information for only a few seconds. In order for the information to be retained, it has to be rehearsed in the working memory system and that will create a path towards long-term memory. Long-term memory is believed to have capacities of storing vast amounts of information for long periods of time, supposedly as long as one's life time. The study describes roles of human memory and working memory and how these memory systems are related to language acquisition. It is also focused on how working memory is related to second language acquisition., 紀要論文}, pages = {1--25}, title = {外国語習得における記憶のメカニズムとワーキングメモリ}, year = {2014} }