@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02007993, author = {上江洲, 榮子 and 島尻, 勝代 and 名護, ちひろ and 喜屋武, 千恵 and 金城, 由希子 and 仲真次, 愛美野 and Uezu, Eiko and Shimajiri, Katsuyo and Nago, Chihiro and Kyan, Chie and Kinjo, Yukiko and Nakamashi, Amino}, issue = {83}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Jul}, note = {The objective of this study is to reveal the possibilities of Akinowasuregusa (Hemerocalis fulva L. Var. sempervirens M. Hotta) as an antioxidant ingredients. When cartenoids of Akinowasuregus collected in 2012 was measured by HPLC method, 9460μg/100g of β-carotene, 522μg/100g of cryptoxanthin, and 13.3mg/100g of lutein were found in the leaves. In petals, 470μg/100 of β-carotene, 1720μg/100g of cryptoxanthin, and 0.71mg/100g of lutein were contained. "Hirayachi" is an Okinawan crape. The ingredients consist of eggs, flour, and green chive with a little oil in a pan. Chinsuko is a traditional sweet like a small biscuit made of mostly lard and flour with a mild and sweet flavor. In the ingredients of such baked dishes, we added Akinowasuregusa to examine the antioxidant effectiveness by DPPH method. We kept the amount to the point where these dishes don't lose their flavor. The result with Hirayachi indicated that the antiodixant effectiveness was significantly higher with leaves and petals of Akinowasuregusa than with green chive. As for lard containing Chinsuko, with dried powder of Akinowasuregusa showed higher antioxidant effectiveness. Because these results raised antioxidant effectiveness in the dish using oils and fats, Akinowasuregusa was shown to be useful., 紀要論文}, pages = {201--206}, title = {アキノワスレグサのカロテノイド含量と葉または花の添加による "ひらやーちー"と "ちんすこう"の抗酸化能の変化}, year = {2013} }