@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008007, author = {小嶋, 季輝 and Kojima, Toshiki}, issue = {86}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Feb}, note = {The objective of this research is to theoretically reexamine the validity of the transmission of 'Knowing How' through written language and to show that, even though it is a method that has been supported by empirical rules, it lacks methodological validity. When learning using a text, either independently or with assistance, the learner acquires 'Knowing How' from a performance of 'Knowing That'―of which written language is one type. There are two underlying assumptions here: (1) that it is possible to express the actual performance through written language (scriptualization), and (2) that the actual performance can be extracted from the written language ((re-)performization). Of these two assumptions, this research deals with "scriptualization," which is an assumption related to knowledge transmission. This study's results showed that texts intended to make an "incompetent" person "competent" could only be understood by a person who was already "competent." Hence, the validity of the method could not be supported beyond that provided by empirical rules., 紀要論文}, pages = {109--118}, title = {文字言語を媒介した方法知の伝達に関する前提とその隘路 : テキスト学習における方法論的妥当性の再検討}, year = {2015} }