@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008051, author = {與儀, 峰奈子 and Yogi, Minako}, issue = {12}, journal = {言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper reports a pilot study of an on-going project for developing CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) materials and their effects in elementary school English classrooms. This project started in 2002 in collaboration with students of information technology at Okinawa International University (OIU) and students of English education at the University of the Ryukyus (Ryudai). The present pilot study was realized by the cooperative involvement of Ryudai, OIU, and the Ryudai Fuzoku Elementary School, which respectively played the crucial roles in developing CAI materials encompassing 1) hardware, 2) courseware, and 3) software. The hardware was provided by the Fuzoku Elementary School, the content of the teaching materials was designed by the students at Ryudai, under the supervision of the instructor, and the software was created by the students at OIU. The experimental CAI software was utilized by 40 sixth-grade students at the Ryudai Fuzoku Elementary School, during the English class. Two Ryudai students were in charge of the first half of the lesson and the rest of the class was conducted by the six OIU students, demonstrating the newly created CAl software serving as a review activity. After completion of the class, questionnaires were distributed to the 40 students to investigate the effect, impression, and user-friendliness of the software. The results of the survey show that most students found the contents of the software interesting and satisfying. On the other hand, in spite of the tremendous effort put into the creation of the software, students were not very positive about the sound quality and visual effects. Consequently, the feedback from the students brought up important issues for further modification and improvement., 紀要論文}, pages = {63--81}, title = {小学校英語教育におけるCAI教材の開発と活用}, year = {2003} }