@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008214, author = {長嶺, 聖子 and Nagamine, Seiko}, journal = {観光科学, Journal of Tourism Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {Recently an increasing number of Koreans has visited Okinawa as tourists. But tourist guides here are not well aware of a long and close interchange between Korea and Okinawa or the Ryukyuan Kingdom. Obviously full knowledge will help both parties to make their business more meaningful, attractive, and profitable. Documents show that both the Koryeo and Yi Dynasties had over 200 contacts with the Ryukyuan Kingdom in the 14th and 15th centuries alone. The Kingdom honored Koreans in an inscription of a noted temple bell cast in 1458. About a decade later, Korean presented Buddhist scriptures in return for rarity gifts from the Kingdom. Subsequently the relationship between the two countries waned due to political turmoil on both sides. In 1616, three Korean potters were brought to Okinawa in the aftermath of the Japanese-Korean wars triggered by Hideyoshi Toyotomi. They made a great contribution to Ryukyuan pottery. During WWⅡ, many Koreans got killed in Okinawa. In 1975, the Korean Memorial Monument was dedicated for over 10,000 such souls. The writer strongly hopes that both the tourists from Korea and the Okinawan people know these invaluable facts of historical interchange to use for their good relationships in future., 紀要論文}, pages = {32--39}, title = {沖縄と韓国の交流史 : 韓国語の背景を踏まえた通訳案内士育成に向けて}, volume = {7}, year = {2015} }