@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008404, author = {吉田, 安規良 and 中尾, 達馬 and Yoshida, Akira and Nakao, Tatsuma}, issue = {88}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Feb}, note = {沖縄こどもの国とともに受講学生が協働して実際に子どもが関わる行事を企画・運営する教職実践演習がその目的を達成するかどうかを検証するため,教員として求められる4つの事項の修得状況を受講学生がどのように自己評価しているのか,一連の実践後の自己評価と他者評価の結果の差を検証した。平成26年度(本研究)の受講学生の自己評価(事後)は,平成24年度や平成25年度に比べて高いという訳ではないが,受講学生自身は,受講前に比べて受講後の方が「自身には教員として必要な能力が身についている」と自己評価しており,その変容の様子は,他者の目にはよりよく映る(他者評価の方が,自己評価に比べて高くなる)ということが示唆された。全体的な評価の変容の特徴と差が見られた3名の学生の結果から,①自らの活動を振り返り「今の自分に足りないもの」を把握し,改善策を提示できるようになったととも,②自己評価の基準が厳しくなったことや当を得ない発言によるコミュニケーション能力の不足や他人任せに見えた活動が評価に影響していると推察できる。, The purpose of this study was to reveal the quantitative and qualitative change of 12 university students who participated in the Practical Seminar for the Teaching profession,which included planning and managing school related special events,named “Dream Festival 2014" (which was held at Okinawa Zoo & Museum). We evaluated whether participants had enough ability and equipment as elementary or secondary school teachers in 4 ways: (1) the changes from pre to post section,(2) the relationships between self-other rating in the post section,(3) differences of scores among 2012,2013,and 2014,and (4) content analysis of free-description. Main findings were as follows: (1) 2014 participants did not evaluate themselves better in the post section than 2012 or 2013 participants, however,(2) Compared with pre section,they had confidence in their ability and equipment as teachers at the post section (e.g.,interpersonal ability,sense of mission and responsibility),and (3) Some other-rating indices were higher than self-rating indices in the post section. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the 3 participants who had different trends compared with other members of this sample,it could be suggested that the discrepancies between self-and other-rating offered good opportunities for late adolescents to consider th e next step of deeper self-understanding., 紀要論文}, pages = {217--229}, title = {沖縄こどもの国と連携した教職実践演習による学生の自己分析の変容 : 2014年度卒業生の場合}, year = {2016} }