@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008516, author = {東矢, 光代 and Toya, Mitsuyo}, issue = {25}, journal = {言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus}, month = {Oct}, note = {A public announcement of April 4, 2016, by Ministry of Education, Science and Technologies (MEXT) on the results of National Survey of English Education Practice in 2015 drew much attention of teachers, education administrators and practitioners nation-wide. In Okinawa. the survey results came as a great shock because Okinawan high school students were the worst in achieving Eiken Grade Pre-2 Level while junior high students ranked 41 among 47 prefectures. This paper attempts to reexamine the survey results to identify the weak and strong aspects. if any, of Okinawan students. When compared to the national means, Okinawan teachers' estimation of numbers of students who have reached the proficiency goals (i.e ., Pre-2 for high school and Grade 3 for junior high school level) was found to be remarkably smaller. The comparisons with statistics of prefectures whose population was considered equivalent as well as those with comparable rates of taking and passing Eiken Tests also revealed the same tendency. In conclusion. the author suggests that the modest figures in estimating students' ability be validated with the actual scores of appropriate Eiken results. If Okinawan results be still low after such validation, some drastic measures may have to be taken in order to improve the individual classroom teaching., 紀要論文}, pages = {75--95}, title = {平成27年度「英語教育実施状況調査」の都道府県別結果の分析に見る沖縄県の課題と今後の指針}, year = {2016} }