@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008596, author = {下地, 敏洋 and Shimoji, Toshihiro}, journal = {高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要}, note = {Purpose of the Study: This paper is to report the result of types, advantages, and the current issues of providing combined programs between high schools and communities in Okinawa. Design and Methods: The questionnaire on the cooperation between schools and communities were sent to 60 principals of the prefectural high schools in Okinawa. Respondents (N=55) completed the questionnaire on the types of the program, advantages, and the current issues of their schools in cooperating with communities. Results: The types of programs were mainly categorized into four areas: completeness of career education, teaching classes as subjects, the participation into traditional regional events, coaching in School activities, etc. Advantages were mainly categorized into three areas: completeness of career education, the understanding of schools, the enhancing students’ motivation for learning, etc. The current issues were categorized into increasing of paper works, the shortage of time and budget, etc. The requests to the government office from schools were categorized into three areas: the decreasing paper works, the keeping budget, the increasing the number of staff, etc.\nImplications: Students get a lot of advantages for their future career through the programs given by the cooperation between schools and communities. Therefore, the programs are expected to give students based on their future needs., 紀要論文}, pages = {155--164}, title = {学校と地域連携に関する一考察 : 沖縄県立高等学校の事例から}, volume = {1} }