@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008643, author = {芝, 正己 and Shiba, Masami}, issue = {63}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS}, month = {Dec}, note = {The Yambaru region located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island belongs to a subtropical marine climate zone. Such meteorological environment has created the bountiful forests of Yambaru and those forests have nurtured important habitats for a large number of internationally recognized endemic and native species. Although the Yambaru forest only covers 0 .1% of Japan's forest area,this woodland is well-known for its species diversity and high density of flora and fauna,including the IUCN Red List Threatened Species-Okinawa spiny rat (Tokudaia osimensis),Okinawa woodpecker (Dendrocopos nuguchii),Ishikawa frog(Rana ishikaawa) and Okinawa rail( Gallirallus okinawae) - that dwell in the forest area. Presently there are efforts being made to designated the Yambaru forests as a national park due to inscribe on the List of World Natural Heritage (WNH). The protection of endangered animal and endemic plant species has been a great issue for various stakeholders that pressed for rapid protection and conservation of the forest area. On another front,during the age of the Ryukyu Kingdom,the Yambaru forest was respectfully managed under the Somayama system established by Sai On who was Three Chancellor of the Ryukyu Court. Within this system,timber from the Yambaru was shipped mainly for building,for heating and for wooden products necessary for urban dwellers life and reforested areas after harvesting trees,thereby protecting the forest under a traditional practical knowledge. Now the critical issue occurs in Yambaru is on how to improve society's perception and understand the sustainable use of forest resources for a stable and efficient forest management system. The concept of sustainability contemporaneous originated with Hans Carl von Carlowitz,director of the mines in Saxony,who wrote Sylvicultura Oeconomica in 1713. The author discusses the paradigm shift for sustainable forest management of Yambaru region through the different embodying in Japan and German's historical views of sustainability (Nachhaltigkeit )., 県全体の森林面積の約26%を占める沖縄島北部のやんばる地域は, 18世紀初頭の琉球王府時代から林業の中心であったが,近年は森林の生態系サービスを主体とした様々な使益機能の発揮が期待されている.すなわち,亜熱帯常緑照葉樹林は,本島全域の水源地として重要な役割を果たしており,しかも絶滅が危倶されている多くの貴重な固有種の生息地域として,「やんばる国立公園:2016年9月15日指定」,「奄美大島,徳之島,沖縄島北部及び西表島(鹿児島県・沖縄県)世界自然遺産登録候補地」にもあげられている.そのため,やんばる地域の森林の利活用と環境保全の問題は,従来にも増して地域社会を巻き込んだ複雑な状況を呈してきている.本報告では,将来を見据えた"地域全体で支えていくやんばるの森林の利用や保全管理の在り方は何か?"を模索することを主眼として,敢えて,古典的な森林・林業の管理・経営の問題領域である「森林の保続原理と収穫規整」の歴史的展開・文脈を通して論考した。近代林学の発祥の地であるドイツ(旧西ドイツ)における森林伐採量の推移と社会動向,そのドイツの森林管理や林業を手本として展開された我が国の木材生産活動の推移を俯瞰しつつ,本県における軌跡と今後を重層的に展望した., 紀要論文}, pages = {51--60}, title = {沖縄の森林業の歴史的展開と今後の展望 : 持続的森林管理へのパラダイムシフト}, year = {2016} }