@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008647, author = {寺嶋 , 芳江 and Terashima, Yoshie}, issue = {63}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS}, month = {Dec}, note = {Pasania edulis is an indigenous evergreen broad-leaved tree species in Japan,belonging to Fagaceae. This species grows in a part of the laurel forest zone according to the forest division and in the location of the South Sea type in the climate division,and distributes in Okinawa Prefecture including southwest islands and western Kyushu,Wakayama Prefecture in Kii Peninsula,the southernmost end in Chiba and Kanagawa Prefectures in Kanto,and Kochi in Shikoku Island. The acorns have been used as a famine food since ancient times. Natural distribution has become unknown because the trees were planted in rural land to use logs for firewood and branches for sea weed production.The trees which were once actively planted and used in the human living were left without being utilized at present. Shiitake mushroom cultivation with wood and acorn cuisine are proposing. There is a momentum to use them little by little,however,overall usage is lacking. This paper recalls the history of the relationship between P. edulis and human living and introduces the recent research cases of effective tree usages for sustainable maintenance of forest functions., マテパシイは日本固有のブナ科常緑広葉樹であり,森林区分では照薬品I林帯の一書11,気候区分では南海型の場所に生育する沖縄県を含む南西諸島,九州の西部,紀伊半島では和歌山県,関東では千葉県,神奈川県の南端,四国では高知が該当するマテパシイどんぐりは古くから救荒食として利用さ\nれてきた材を薪炭,校をノリひびに使うために里山に植栽されてきたため,自然分布は不明となっている.かつて積極的に植栽され,人々の暮らしに活用されてきたマテパシイは現在では利用されずに放置されている.材でのシイタケ栽培,どんぐり料理などが提唱され,少しずつ利用への機運はあるが,まだ全体的な盛り上りに欠ける.本校では,マテパシイが人々の暮らしと関わって活用されてきた歴史を振り返るさらに,森林の機能の持続的維持のため,樹の利用に有効な方法について近年の研究事例を紹介する., 紀要論文}, pages = {89--95}, title = {里山林の照葉樹マテパシイと人間生活の関わりの歴史}, year = {2016} }