@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008800, author = {我部, 大和 and Gabu, Hirochika}, issue = {6}, journal = {国際琉球沖縄論集, International Review of Ryukyuan and Okinawan Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では、組踊「孝行の巻jについて演戯故事に所収されている内容と組踊台本の詞章、冊封使録3篇との比較を中心に考察を行った。記述内容の比較を通して、組踊「孝行の巻Jについては、演戯故事の物語前段にも見られるように、首里王府が風水害の続く状況を孝行な娘が国の窮状を助けることを主題として設定していることがわかる。また、演戯故事は解説書として写実的に記された内容であり、組踊台本の演出を補完する役割をもっていた。そこには琉球が中国からもたらされた儒教を受容する「恭順」な国家であることを組踊の演出で伝え、さらに冊封使録に組踊の内容を記させることで皇帝に対して、琉球の「恭順」な国家像を見せようとする王府の施策が窺える。, In this paper, Kumiodori“Koko no maki is studied through the comparison of the play's script,it s description in“Engikoji and accounts in“Sappδshiroku. Kumiodori is a type of performance composed of songs,dance,and drama. It was performed as a welcome entertainment for the envoys of Qing dynasty.Kumiodori script consists of characters' lines and stage directions,whereas “Engikoji is a translation and explanation of Kumiodori,as well as Ryukyuan dances into classical Chinese,written in the Ryukyu Kingdom.“Sapposhiroku is a report written by China envoys while on their mission to Ryukyu.Through the comparison of the three historical records it appears that the main theme of Kumiodori“Koko no maki is the teachings of Confucianism. In description of “Engikoji, continuing winds and floods have resulted in great damage to the Ryukyu Kingdom and starvation of majority of its people. However,one faithful daughter managed to save the country from its hardships.“Engikoji,while being a realistic and explanatory supplement to the Kumiodori script,shows the acceptance of the teachings of Confucius in the Ryukyu Kingdom. Therefore,wecan assume that the China envoys,who recorded the performed Kumiodori topics in detail,would convey the “allegiance to the Qing dynasty, messaged by the Ryukyu Kingdom., 紀要論文}, pages = {53--65}, title = {冊封使に供された組踊「孝行の巻」に関する一考察 : 演戯故事に記された組踊の内容と周辺史料の比較を通して}, year = {2017} }