@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008911, author = {Kidera, Noriko and Uyeno, Daisuke and Naruse, Tohru and 木寺, 法子 and 上野, 大輔 and 成瀬, 貫}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {May}, note = {We provide a list of Hydrophis ornatus (Gray, 1842) observed during occasionally conducted field works between 2002 and 2014 in the Ryukyu Islands. Stomach contents of two snakes were also examined. Most of the snakes were observed from relatively enclosed bay-like waters with muddy to sandy substratum. Results of our surveys suggest that H. ornatus is more common than previously thought. It was also observed that H. ornatus often crawled into a burrow at the bottom by their head. One of the captured snakes contained a small goby, Oplopomus oplopomus (Valenciennes, 1837), in its stomach, which inhibits in muddy and sandy bottom of the sea. The habitat of H. ornatus appears to be related to its dietary habits., 琉球列島近海で多数のクロボシウミヘビが観察された.そのほとんどは外海に面したサンゴ礁周辺ではなく, 泥底や砂底の浅海域で目撃された. また, 捕獲された標本の胃内から砂泥環境に生息するケショウハゼ1個体が得られた. クロボシウミヘビの琉球列島における生息はこれまで稀であると認識されてきたが, 本調査結果から, 本種は砂泥底質の浅海域を主なハビタットとして生息し, その生息密度はさほど小さくないことが示唆された., 論文}, pages = {7--13}, title = {Notes on the occurrence and habitat of Hydrophis ornatus (Gray, 1842) (Reptilia: Squamata: Elapidae) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan}, volume = {20}, year = {2015} }