@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008942, author = {藤田, 喜久 and 成瀬, 貫 and Fujita, Yoshihisa and Naruse, Tohru}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Feb}, note = {A cavernicolous sesarmid crab, Karstarma boholano (Ng, 2002), is recorded on the basis of the specimens collected from a cave in Tarama-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. This record represents the first discovery of K. boholano from the island and slightly extends the geographical range of this species northward., 多良間島の洞窟で採集された標本に基づき, ドウクツベンケイガニKarstarma boholano (Ng, 2002) を記録した. 本種の国内おける従来の記録は, 石垣島と波照間島のみであり, 今回の報告は本種の北限を僅かばかり更新した., 論文}, pages = {23--27}, title = {多良間島初記録のドウクツベンケイガニ}, volume = {28}, year = {2016} }