@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008962, author = {西村, 美桜 and 小枝, 圭太 and 立原, 一憲 and Nushimura, Mio and Koeda, Keita and Tachihara, Katsunori}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Jun}, note = {A single specimen (577.0 mm standard length) of the genus Epinephelus was collected from off Tokashiki-jima Island in the Kerama Islands, Ryukyu Archipelago. This specimen is herein identified as Epinephelus radiates (Day, 1867), as it has 11 dorsal-fin spines, 14 dorsal-fin soft rays, 3 anal-fin spines, 8 anal-fin soft rays, 18 pectoral-fin rays, 51 pored lateral-line scales, 103 longitudinal scale series, a rounded caudal-fin, and small dark spots on dorsal and caudal fins. Although this specimen shows some differences in its color pattern from those recorded in previous studies, we considered these are due to intraspecific variation in accordance with growth. The coloration as well as the morphology of the present specimen is described in detail. This report represents the first record of this species from the Kerama Islands and the second specimen-based record from the Okinawa Islands., 2015年5月7日に沖縄諸島の渡嘉敷島周辺海域においてマハタ属1個体が採集された. この標本は, 背鰭条数が11棘14軟条, 臀鰭条数が3棘8軟条, 胸鰭軟条数が18, 側線有孔鱗数が51, 縦列鱗数が103であること, 尾鰭が丸いこと, 背鰭と尾鰭に黒色斑が点在することに加え,極めて不明瞭ながらも体側に虫食い状の幅広い淡色帯があることから, カケハシハタEpinephelus radiatus (Day, 1867) であると判断された. この標本にみられる体色は, これまで国内外から報告のある本種の色彩と大きく異なることから, 本標本の形態と色彩の詳細を記録した. また, 慶良間諸島からの初めての記録であるとともに, 沖縄諸島からの標本に基づく2例目の記録である., 論文}, pages = {5--9}, title = {慶良間諸島渡嘉敷島近海から得られたカケハシハタEpinephelus radiatus の大型個体}, volume = {30}, year = {2016} }