@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02008997, author = {前之園, 唯史 and Maenosono, Tadafumi}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Aug}, note = {Single specimen of hymenosomatid crab, Elamenopsis ariakensis (Sakai, 1969), was collected from Yagaji-jima Island, adjacent to Okinawa-jima Island, in the central Ryukyus, Japan. This specimen represents the first record of the species from the Ryukyu Islands. The specimen examined in this study agrees very well with previous reports except for the presence of lateral and median divisions between pleotelson and fused pleonal somite 4–5. The median devision has a smooth outer surface and is an articulating membrane, but the lateral devisions are regarded as uropods because the outet surface is setose as in other pleonal somites., 論文}, pages = {23--25}, title = {琉球列島初記録となるアリアケヤワラガニ (十脚目: 短尾下目: ヤワラガニ科) の記録}, volume = {37}, year = {2017} }