@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009704, author = {Chen, Bixia and Ota, Ikuo and 陳, 碧霞 and 大田, 伊久雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {林業経済研究}, month = {}, note = {As a consequence of the rapid development of nature reserves in China, conflicts between nature protection and local economic development threaten ecological diversity and hinder economic development. The primary purpose of this study is to identify stakeholders involved in the conservation of the Wuyishan National Nature Reserve (NNR) and to clarify any conflicts among them. In the Wuyishan NNR, bamboo and black tea production are the principal industries. Several conflicts were discovered among the stakeholders in the Wuyishan NNR at varying degrees. A major conflict was identified between the Administrative Bureau, local township government, and the village committee regarding issues such as inadequate infrastructure maintenance, ecocompensation monetary values, and wildlife protection. Medium-scale conflicts exist between the Administrative Bureau and local stakeholders from the township government, the village committee, business owners, and farmers. Furthermore, not to be ignored, a minor conflict between farmers and a large number of migrant workers currently engaged in tea farming and bamboo forest management is also contributing to instability of the nature reserve’s forestland management. At the same time, stakeholders consider ecotourism development as a means to improve the economic situation of the Wuyishan NNR., 論文}, pages = {48--57}, title = {Stakeholder Conflicts under the Current Nature Protection Policy in China: A Case Study of the Wuyishan National Nature Reserve}, volume = {63}, year = {2017} }