@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009732, author = {小林, 稔 and 東江, 寛 and 喜屋武, 享 and 島袋, 桂 and 上間, 達也 and Kobayashi, Minoru and Agarie, Hiroshi and Kyan, Akira and Shimabukuro, Kei and Uema, Tatsuya}, journal = {高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The main purpose of this study is to clarify the actual lifestyle of junior high school student in Northern Okinawa and associated factors through focusing more on topics of health, study and single parent households. The study investigated a total of 519 students from 2 local junior high schools, comprising of 263 boys and 256 girls from early June 2017 until the middle of July 2017.An analysis of findings indicated that the girls have a better result of sleeping time and daily exercise time compared with Japan as a whole. Analysis also indicates that improvements are required in areas such as breakfast consumption factor, smartphone usage, study time after school and time of boys daily exercise. In addition, the logic regression results indicate that regular life and gender are related to sleep quality. In contrast, academic skill showed differences between boys and girls. However, the association between cram school attendance and the level of academic skill showed the same result for both boys and girls. Moreover, the single parent household resulted in irregular lifestyle behavior such as playing smartphone games too long. Also, in single parent households with boys, the student was less likely to join a sports club. Mental health was also a element for some single parent households with girls. Overall it is confirmed that junior high school students’ lifestyle and their academic skill are impacted by socioeconomic factors., 紀要論文}, pages = {93--106}, title = {沖縄県本島北部地域における中学生のライフスタイルの実態及びその関連要因に関する研究 : 健康・学力・ひとり親に着目して}, volume = {2}, year = {2018} }