@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010032, author = {Kakui, Keiichi and Tanabe, Yuki and 角井, 敬知 and 田邊, 優航}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Sep}, note = {We report the tanaidid Hexapleomera urashima Tanabe, Hayashi, Tomioka & Kakui, previously known only as an epibiont on the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta (Linnaeus), from a fouling community on an old tether line in a fishery harbor, Yakushima Island, Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. We found a single, female specimen whose species identity based on morphology was confirmed with a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) DNA barcode sequence. This is the first molecularly supported evidence of a chelonophilic Hexapleomera species from an environment other than the surface of sea turtles. However, as the fishing harbor where we collected the specimen was not far from the beach where numerous sea turtles nest, and only the one specimen was found in the fouling community despite considerable sampling efforts, we cannot rule out the possibility that the specimen had drifted from a turtle into the fouling community., 屋久島栗生漁港の古い係留ロープの付着物から採集されたウラシマタナイス属 (Hexapleomera Dudich) に属するメス1個体について, 形態とCOI遺伝子の部分配列情報に基づき, アカウミガメ体表性種であるウラシマタナイス (Hexapleomera urashima Tanabe, Hayashi, Tomioka & Kakui) であることを明らかにした. 本報告により, ウミガメ体表性タナイス類がウミガメ体表以外の環境からも見つかり得ることが初めて示された. 今回得られた1個体は, 1) 同個体がウミガメの産卵地として有名な永田浜から遠くない場所から採集されたこと, 2) これまで琉球列島の様々な島で係留ロープ付着物上の生物調査を行ってきたものの本種の標本は今回の1個体しか採集できていないことから, アカウミガメ体表上から偶然離れてしまった個体である可能性が高いと考えられる., 論文}, pages = {5--8}, title = {First report of the chelonophilic tanaidid Hexapleomera urashima from an environment other than the surface of sea turtles}, volume = {45}, year = {2018} }