@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010057, author = {小林, 稔 and 仲宗根, 亜矢子 and 砂川, 龍馬 and Kobayashi, Minoru and Nakasone, Ayako and Sunagawa, Ryoma}, issue = {93}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Sep}, note = {In the end of March 2017 the course of study for primary and junior high school was revised and so the improvement in lessons to implement “independent, conversational, deep learning” is now demanded. Deep learning is the core and center of this measures, and so teachers will put now emphasis on this perspective, while delivering their lessons. However, at the present time ”deep learning” is still on a concept level and remains very abstract term, hence it is difficult to evaluate, if the deep learning has been acquired or not. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to establish self-evaluation criteria for deep learning, with the focus on mathematics in junior high school, and consider its reliability and validity. In two surveys – preliminary and the main survey, questionnaires has been introduced in five junior high schools in the Okinawa Prefecture, to the total of 815 students. As a result of the analysis, six factors has been sampled, which were named: “regularity pursuit factor”, “reflectiveness factor”, “critical investigation factor”, “cooperative communication factor”, “everyday life factor”, “review and hypothesis factor”. Furthermore, internal reliability and test-retest reliability were checked, and additionally content validity has been considered, with both results proving to be satisfactory., 紀要論文}, pages = {135--150}, title = {中学校数学科における「深い学び」の自己評価尺度(試行版)に関する信頼性と妥当性の検討 : 沖縄本島の公立中学校5校を対象とした質問紙調査をもとに}, year = {2018} }