@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010084, author = {金城, 宏幸 and Kinjo, Hiroyuki}, issue = {12}, journal = {移民研究, Immigration Studies}, month = {Oct}, note = {Okinawans are longing to host the 6th Worldwide Uchinanchu (Okinawan) Festival which will take place in October 2016. Okinawa, known as one of the emigrant prefectures of Japan, has sent many fellow countrymen abroad over the past 100 years. It has been a social phenomenon in the 20th Century and, at present, we can see Okinawan communities and centers in many countries around the world like Brazil, the U.S., Peru, Argentina, the Philippines etc. The Festival is a very big and unique reunion of Uchinanchu in Okinawa and Uchinanchu overseas, gathered by tens of thousands of people. While doing our research in this field, we happened to learn about Basques outside Spain, and we were astonished at the fact that they are doing very similar things to Uchinanchu like Jaialdi(International Basque Culture Festival) started at almost same time, in 1987, and held also every five years like Uchinanchu Festival. Basques are also known as emigrant people and are minorities among Spaniards. They are also very keen about ethnic identity together with their own language. In this paper, I discuss the amazing similarities and some differences between the two ethnic groups especially about their sociocultural backgrounds which, as a result, will show us not only the characteristics of Uchinanchu and Basques but also a universal paradigm of human migration and transnational networks in the 21st century., 紀要論文}, pages = {81--98}, title = {文化共有集団の越境的ネットワークに関する国際比較研究序説 : バスク人とウチナーンチュの言語文化をめぐる社会空間の形成}, year = {2016} }