@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010116, author = {吳, 俐君 and Wu, Li-Chun}, issue = {7}, journal = {移民研究, Immigration Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the years immediately following the second World War (1950-1970), Japanese government publications show that immigrant laborers entering Japan were quite few in number. Okinawa, however, experienced a large influx of immigrant laborers in the 1960s and early 1970s. This makes Okinawa a notable exception to the trends at the time. This research aims to illuminate the historical factors behind this phenomenon and thereby contribute to the understanding of the shared history of Taiwan and Okinawa. As the primary method of research for this paper, interviews were conducted with former seasonal and technical workers from Taiwan. In addition, data sources such as newspaper articles and company archives for the period of 1966 to 1973, as well as Okinawan government documents and research, are used to supply further understanding. The following conclusions are drawn from this research. In the 1960s, economic improvement in mainland Japan led to the migration of workers there from Okinawa. As a result, Okinawa began to accept greater numbers of low-wage workers from Taiwan. Since Okinawa was considered by the Taiwanese government at that time to be an important strategic location to put pressure on China, the Taiwanese government permitted the emigration of workers there as a part of its foreign policy. According to some interviews, there were workers who found out about emigration to Okinawa through placement agencies or newspaper advertisements. The majority of Taiwanese immigrants in this wave came from Nantou County in central Taiwan. Major motivations for decision to emigrate to Okinawa included economic opportunity and curiosity about living in another country. Additionally, the Taiwanese laborers often considered the Okinawan locals to be kindhearted people, and Taiwanese workers had a good reputation among Okinawan employers., 日本在第二次世界大戰後(1950-1970)主張不引進外籍勞工,然而沖繩因勞動力不足,曾經從台灣聘請許多季節性勞工與技能勞工。本文主要研究這一段勞工遷移的歷史,並深入探討二次戰後台灣與沖繩交流情況。研究方法主要以1966-1973 年的沖繩時報(Okinawa Times)、當時引進台灣勞工企業的曆史紀錄以及台灣和沖繩兩政府所公開的檔案資料為文獻,了解當時台灣與沖繩政府的勞工政策和勞動者的情況。繼而訪談定居在沖繩的台灣勞動遷移者探究當時的工作過程,生活情形及其與沖繩居民的相處情形。研究結果發現由於1960 年代沖繩為補足因經濟開發造成農村勞動人口的流失轉從台灣引進工資較低廉的勞工。另一方面,當時中華民國政府因沖繩正位處於反攻大陸的重要戰略位置以國民外交政策為考量,提供大量勞工支援沖繩,藉以促進雙方友好關係。經訪談得知台灣勞動者以仲介或報紙之徵人放事為媒介至沖繩工作,大部分來自台灣的南投縣。沖繩較高的工資,與對外國的憧憬是吸引勞動者的原因。而當時的台灣勞工獲得相當高的評價。, 紀要論文}, pages = {43--64}, title = {戦前沖縄における台湾人労働者}, year = {2011} }