@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010283, author = {金城, 尚美 and 渡真利, 聖子 and Kinjo, Naomi and Tomari, Seiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集}, month = {Mar}, note = {国の施策による留学生の増加により、日本に来る留学生の背景が多様化している。また日本という異文化の環境におかれ心身に不調をきたす留学生も少なくない。そのため、より充実した支援が求められている。本稿では特に精神的な面で問題を抱える留学生についてどのようなサポートを行ったのか事例を報告し、指導教員の役割について考察した。その結果、留学生の個人情報の保護に配慮しつつ、関係教職員、専門家、友人を含めた関係者との連携と恊働によるサポート態勢の必要性が浮き彫りになった。さらに連携と協力、適切な支援のためには指導教員がキーパーソンとなり「つなぐ」という役割が重要であることがわかった。, By Japanese government’s policy to increase the number of international students, many students with various backgrounds have visited Japan to study Japanese language and culture. However, some of them have physical and mental problems because of being in Japan, whose culture is so different from theirs, and it is very important to support such students. This paper reports what kind of supports we have provided to the students in the University of the Ryukyus, and considers the roles of student advisers. Through the experience which supported a student with mental problems, the adviser for international students, whom we focuses on in this paper, has recognized the necessity and importance of a key person who connects the student in problem with a psychological counselor, his/her friends, teachers, staffs of the university and a psychiatrist. Further more, the class activity to interview to a psychological counselor as a guest speaker was so effective that the foreign students in the class appreciated the counselor and that the foreign students were motivated to contact the counselor., 本論文は「九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集」Vol.3, No.2(2016/3)に査読を経て受理された。, 論文}, title = {留学生のメンタル・サポート : 指導教員の役割}, volume = {3}, year = {2016} }