@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010484, author = {島袋, 恒男 and 下地, 敏洋 and 多和田, 実 and Shimabukuro, Tsuneo and Shimoji, Toshihiro and Tawada, Minoru}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部教育実践総合センター紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Education Center for Educational Research and Development}, month = {Mar}, note = {Purpose of the Study: The main purpose of this study is to report the status quo through the result of questionnaire survey on the adaptation of school life and home learning of public high school students in Okinawa. Design and Methods: The authors carried out the questionnaire survey on high school students’ interests and values at 6 prefectural high schools in Okinawa. Respondents (N=1323) completed the questionnaire. Questions of each category were analyzed with Cluster analysis (Factor Analysis) and the results were shown the correlations among each category. Results: Six clusters for interests and 4 clusters for values are found through Cluster Analysis and the relationships between each cluster and the adaptation of school life and home learning are shown. The results also show that several differences between genders and grades in some questions and among several factors. Female students and third-year-student had more interests in many social topics compared to their counterparts. Implications: It is a good way for high school students to have more chances to talk about many topics with parents and teachers to improve their motivation toward to academic works and future jobs. Therefore, carrier education focused on life-long education should be considered in high schools, especially for male students., 紀要論文}, pages = {115--127}, title = {沖縄県の高校生の価値観と興味に関する調査研究(第三報) : 学校生活と家庭学習の適応について}, year = {2018} }