@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010671, author = {鄭嘉訓(書) and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {12枚 26.9×12.0cm。, 鄭嘉訓揮毫の行書漢詩。末尾に「鄭嘉訓」「爾方」の方印2顆が認められる。 鄭嘉訓は近世琉球第一の書家で, 薩摩藩主島津斉彬に招かれて藩士の指導にあたったこともあり, 西郷隆盛もその流だといわれている。 楷行草いずれにも優れ,繊細かつ雄勁な筆致で知られる。, Chinese poems written in running script by Tei, Kakun. The stamps Tei, Kakun and Jihou could be identified at the end. Tei, Kakun is the number one calligrapher in modern Ryukyu and has been appointed to teach feudal warriors by the feudal lord of Satsuma- Shimadsu, Nariakira. Saigou, Takamori's style is said to belong to the same school of calligraphy. Tei is known to be superior at printed, running and cursive styles of writing, with his delicate yet powerful brush strokes., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {鄭嘉訓書} }