@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010679, author = {- and 2009/6/5 16:42}, note = {子年(1876年)正月29日。18.9×9.5 cm。1件,6枚。, 八重山側の首脳が首里王府派遣の在番(1名), 在番筆者(2名)を招待した招宴の次第を記した文書。 迎えからもてなし,接待場所の飾りつけなど詳細な内容を記す。 この時の在番・新城親雲上(首里士族)は1874年の赴任。 筆者は新嘉喜筑登之親雲上(泊村士族), 古堅筑登之親雲上(那覇士族)であった(『御使者在番記』)。 在番・筆者の任期は2年であり,帰任の年の接待に当たる。, Notes on Yaeyama's banquet reception of one Zaiban and two Zaiban Hisshas dispatched by the Shuri Government. Includes detailed descriptions of the welcoming of guests, reception, venue decoration etc. The zaiban at the time was Peechin Aragusuku, who was a Shuri elite and was appointed in 1874. Written by Peechin Aragaki (an elite from Tomari Village) and Peechin Furugen ( Naha elite). The terms of employment for the zaiban and hissha were two years each and this was a banquet for the completion of their terms of service., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {御在番新城親雲上様を始御筆者衆招請之次第} }