@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010712, author = {- and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {1件。6丁。, 本史料は、宮良親雲上(みやらぺーちん)への上国命令や、与人らの職歴・功績などを記録した文書によって構成されている。与人らの職歴・功績については、職歴・功績を「勤星」(きんせい)という業績を日数で換算した数値で記載されている。対象となっている与人は「新城与人」(あらぐすくゆんちゅ)・鳩間与人(はとまゆんちゅ)などである。作成年不明。, This text comprises of a number of documents, such as orders to visit mainland Okinawa issued to Peechin Miyara and employment records of Yunchus. In regards to the Yunchus, their employment history and achievements were referred to as kinsei and was expressed as a figure of their days of employment. The records were that of Yunchu Aragusuku and Yunchu Hatoma etc. Year written unknown., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {(未年役人勤務日数調)} }