@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010737, author = {松茂氏當整(筆写) and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {1件。54丁。, 本史料は宮良當整が書写したと考えられる案文集。学問・文筆・算勘の重要性を村中の青年たちに諭したものや、王府へ献上する御用布について念を入れるように蔵元から各村の役人たちへ申渡す案文等が収録されている。また他にも勉学のために沖縄本島へ上国した子息に対して、身を慎み勉学に精を出すように認めたものもあり、その内容は多岐にわたる。, This is a collection of drafts most probably written by Miyara, Tousei. Includes papers that stresses to the youths of the village the importance of learning, literary art and mathematics ; as well as correspondences from the government to the officials in each village asking them to pay attention to the collection of textile taxes. Also includes writings addressed to those who were studying on mainland Okinawa, urging them to take care and concentrate on their studies., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {案文集} }