@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010741, author = {松茂氏當宗(筆写) and 2021/9/8 16:10}, note = {1件。24丁。25.7×19.5cm。楮紙。光緒2(1876)年2月。, 松茂氏當宗(とうそう)による写本。天孫氏(てんそんし)から尚泰(しょうたい)王までの国王名を連ねた「歴代国王世系之図」、琉球の名称の由来、初期王統について略記した「琉球之元来」、天孫氏から尚敬(しょうけい)王までの各々の神号・即位年・事跡等を記した「中山王代記」が主たる内容となっているが、巻末の附録は、八重山の頭(かしら)職の創設、桃林寺(とうりんじ)の建立、蕃藷芋の伝来、焼酎の作り始めなどの諸由来書となっている。, A copy written by Matsumo, Tousou. Includes the genealogical chart of Kings from Tenson to King Shoutai. Also includes explanations on the origin of the name Ryukyu. Furthermore, in Ryukyu no ganrai the early stages of the Kingdom was described and in Chuuzan ou daiki, the names of the ruling eras, the period of rule and other events from Tenson to King Shoukei were recorded. In the appendix details on the establishment of the Kashira position, the construction of Tourin Temple, the origins of the bansho sweet potato and the start in the making of Shochu (a type of spirit made from potatos) was recorded., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {歴代国王世系之図} }