@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010749, author = {- and 2009/6/5 16:41}, note = {1件。2丁。卯月朔日。, 本史料は、八重山の上納物(穀物)を港で引き渡す際の、監督・取り締まりを行う吏官である津端検者(つばたけんじゃ)、(津端)筆者の任命申渡書である。石垣島の美崎(みさき)津端と川平(かびら)津端、西表島のよちん津端それぞれに、4人ずつ派遣されているが、首里大屋子(しゅりおおやこ)・与人(ゆんちゅ)・杣山筆者(そまやまひっしゃ)・耕作筆者(こうさくひっしゃ)等の役人が派遣されたことがわかる。, These are appointment orders for the positions of Tsubata Kenja(inspector) and Tsubata Hissha(writer), who are responsible for the supervision and control of the handing over of Yaeyama's tribute goods (grains), which takes place at the port. Four people were dispatched to fill each of the following positions: Ishigaki Island's Misaki Tsubata and Kabira Tsubata, as well as Iriomote Island's Yochin Tsubata. Furthermore, there were also dispatchments of officials such as the Shuri Ooyako, Yunchu, Somayama Hissha and Kousaku Hissha., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {(美崎津端・川平津端・よちん津端,右に関する役人任命申渡書)} }