@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010811, author = {- and 2009/6/5 16:49}, note = {1件。43丁。26.0×19.0cm。楮紙。表欠。, 鳩間村(はとまむら)の田地についての史料。上田、中田など土地の等級が記され、等級ごとに所在地(字名)が記載されている。また、耕作可能な土地については、人口で耕作面積を割り付け、百姓に担当田地を配分している。, A source regarding the paddies of Hatoma Village. Has records of different grades of land, such as Jouden and Chuuden; as well as the various locations of these paddies according to grade. Furthermore, the peasants were made responsible for the cultivation of a certain amount of paddy, which was allocated based on the area of arable land and total population., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {(上納田配分に関する書類)} }