@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010822, author = {- and 2021/9/8 16:10}, note = {4枚。, 笛と小皷大皷それに太鼓(能楽でいう四拍子〔しびょうし〕)の楽譜。 カタカナはこれらの表す楽譜のようなもので,口唱歌(くちしょうが)という。 八重山石垣に現存するウード(大胴)・クード(小胴) という烏帽子直垂(えぼし・ひたたれ) 姿で演奏される芸能はこれにつながる大和芸能である。, A music score for a flute and small, medium and large drums. ( In Noh, this is refered to as a shibyoushi music score.) The katakana parts represent these music scores and is referred to as kuchishouga. This is considered to be related to the Yamato performance that involves the wearing of U-do and Ku-do, which are types of Eboshi (a type of hat) and Hitatare(a type of clothing) that still remains in Ishigaki and Yaeyama., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {笛并皷大小太鼓打合段} }