@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02010901, author = {宮良當整(筆写) and 2021/9/8 16:10}, note = {1件。117丁。23.4×16.0cm。楮紙。, 宮良當整が諸村の与人(ゆんちゅ)、新城村頭(あらぐすくそんとう)任職中に作成した行政文書(明治25~40年)の控えである。宛先は、その多くが蔵元(くらもと)・役場宛であり、當整の所轄する村の人民の生活状況や耕地の様子、稲・大麦・小麦・煙草など農作物の生育状況、自然災害による農作物への影響、家畜の頭数・飼育状況、原勝負(はるしょうぶ)の景況といった民生・農業に関わる報告書が多数を占める。他に、戸籍に関する報告、税の徴収免除あるいは兵役免除願いに対する取り調べ事項を記した書類、日露戦争出征軍人の家族を慰問した際の報告書等がある。, This is a copy of the administrative papers by Miyara, Tousei as he worked as a Yunchu for various villages and the Village Headman of Aragusuku throughout his career (Meiji 25~40). The addressees were mainly the Kuramoto and the public office. The contents were mostly reports on the peasants' living conditions; the cultivation conditions of rice, wheat, barley and tobacco etc; the impact of natural disasters on agricultural produce; the number and conditions of livestock; harushoubu reports on the people's welfare etc. Furthermore, there were also reports on family registry, tax or conscription exemptions, as well as reports on the sympathy calls made to family with deployed member to the Russo-Japanese War etc., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {必要書類集} }