@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011064, author = {尾身, 頌吾 and カストロ, ホワン ホセ and Omi, Shogo and Castro, Juan Jose}, issue = {786}, journal = {日本建築学会計画系論文集}, note = {This research aims to clarify the transition of the traditional wooden houses from the Ryukyus Empire to the post-war period, based on 122 traditional houses located in Okinawa islands. The parameters considered in this study are period of construction, location、wood materials, construction systems, structural elements joints, type of walls, floor layout, and roof characteristics. Nevertheless, there were no changes in the orientation of rooms, after WWII, the houses presented a fewer number of living rooms. Up to 1879, most of the construction wood materials were from the local forest. After that, the mainland wood materials increased steadily., 論文}, pages = {2083--2092}, title = {沖縄における伝統木造住宅の変遷に関する研究 : 1879年~1972年における平面・構造・材料に着目して}, volume = {86} }