@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011065, author = {Tanaka, Hayate and Higashiji, Takuo and Fujita, Toshihiko and 田中, 颯 and 東地, 拓生 and 藤田, 敏彦}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Mar}, note = {Three specimens of a deep-water diadematid echinoid Eremopyga denudata (de Meijere, 1903) were recently collected from Okinawa-jima Island, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. This species has been recorded from the Timor Sea, the Philippines and the Bali Sea. In Japan, this species had only been previously recorded from Shibushi Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture, and no detailed morphological description was shown for the specimen. This study provides the first detailed morphological description for Japanese individuals and some ecological information observed underwater and in aquarium., 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村沖の水深211.3–220.3mよりEremopyga denudata (de Meijere, 1903) ヤミガンガゼ(新称)3個体が採集された.本種はこれまでにティモール海,フィリピンとバリ海から報告されている.日本では鹿児島県志布志湾から知られていたが,琉球列島からは初記録となる.日本産の個体の形態の記載は本報告が初めてとなる.また,ROVによる現場観察と水族館での飼育観察により,本種の生息環境と食性,さらにヒカリイシモチ属魚類との共生が初めて確認された., 論文}, pages = {9--18}, title = {Record of Eremopyga denudata (de Meijere, 1903) (Echinoida, Diadematoida, Diadematidae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan}, volume = {48}, year = {2019} }