@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011324, author = {Goya, Hideki and Cai, Juitan and Ding, Qi and Fecher, Alison}, issue = {1}, journal = {INTESOL Journal}, month = {Jan}, note = {Despite the fact that vocabulary knowledge is essential in all aspects of English as Second Language (ESL) learning, how that knowledge develops over time is still unknown. This study investigated how advanced learners’ vocabulary usage changed via written compositions. Five graduate-level ESL learners wrote one essay per week over an eight week period responding to a given topic. The essays were analyzed in three aspects, following Laufer (1991): Language Density (LD), Language Sophistication (LS), and Language Variety (LV). The results suggest that mid-advanced learners’ LD tends to remain low and spike randomly, while the LD of high-advanced learners remain high and static. In terms of LV, both groups of learners showed little change over the eight weeks dependent on their proficiency level. The high-advanced learners showed more changes across the eight weeks in LS than the mid-advanced group. Collectively, these findings suggest that vocabulary knowledge usage patterns seem to relate to the learners’ writing ability, motivation, and focus. Based on discussion and analyses, the current descriptive study offers the pedagogical implication that advanced ESL learners need more opportunity to practice already acquired vocabularies, especially with advanced vocabulary in use with familiar writing prompts for further lexical development., 論文}, pages = {59--73}, title = {Development of Vocabulary Use in ESL Composition}, volume = {8}, year = {2011} }