@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011367, author = {畑, 晴陵 and 中村, 潤平 and 本村, 浩之 and Hata, Harutaka and Nakamura, Jumpei and Motomura, Hiroyuki}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Mar}, note = {大隅諸島口永良部島, トカラ列島平島, および奄美群島与論島から計41個体 (標準体長16.8–48.5 mm) のリュウキュウキビナゴ (ニシン目キビナゴ科) が採集された. 本種の薩南諸島における記録は少なく, 記載標本は各島における初めての記録となるほか, 口永良部島産標本は本種の分布の北限記録となる., Forty-one specimens (16.8–48.5 mm standard length) of Small-banded Round Herring, Spratelloides atrofasciatus Schultz, 1943 (Clupeiformes: Spratelloididae), previously known only from the southern Ryukyu Islands (Takara Island and southward) in Japan, were collected from Kuchinoerabu (Osumi Islands), Taira (in the middle of Tokara Islands), and Yoron (southern limit of the Amami Islands) islands, in the Satsunan Islands (northern Ryukyu Islands), Japan. These specimens represent the first records of this species from these islands, with the Kuchinoerabu specimens being the northernmost records for the species., 論文}, pages = {41--49}, title = {薩南諸島から得られたリュウキュウキビナゴSpratelloides atrofasciatus}, volume = {59}, year = {2021} }