@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011494, author = {下地, 敏洋 and 石川, 清和 and 砂川, 直子 and 森田, 侑希 and Shimoji, Toshihiro and Ishikawa, Kiyokazu and Sunagawa, Naoko and Morita, Yuki}, issue = {98}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Mar}, note = {Background and Objectives: This article was to examine the relationships between people with good health and longer life and the actual situation of participating into the community and the traditional events. Research Design and Methods: Thirty participants for this study were introduced by a medical doctor of a medical clinic. Thirteen men and 17 females participated, average age was 87,63. Fifty to 70 minutes interview for each participant was conducted by two interviewers including a nurse at their houses or the medical office. Results: The results showed that people with good health and longer life tend to participate into community and traditional events positively and frequently. The results supposed that people with good health and longer life had many opportunities to meet and talk to family, neighbors, local people, etc. Discussion and Implications: People with good health and longer life have positive attitudes toward themselves because they play important role in traditional events and tend to find their reasons for living. In addition, medical data, eating habits, ikigai, etc. should be examined to verify the validity and reliability related to this study., 紀要論文}, pages = {161--170}, title = {健康長寿者の生活史に関する研究 : 地域交流と伝統行事への参加}, year = {2021} }