@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011690, author = {-}, note = {巻紙 筆者及び年代不詳, 冬至の日に首里城正殿の御庭(ウナー)で行われる儀式に関する文書である。18の条文(一つ書き)からなる。冬至儀式は正月元日と同一。まず、御庭の北殿側に御拝座(みはいざ:拝礼を行う場所)が設置され、国王を始め王府官人ら一同は北に向かって行う「子(ね)の方」(紫禁城)の遥拝儀礼を行う。次に国王は正殿二階に移動し、諸官人らは唐玻豊(からはふう)に向かって国王を拝礼する「朝の御拝」を行う。本史料は、冬至の朝3時頃から準備を始めていること、国王の移動の際には太鼓を打ち鳴らしていること、儀礼担当役や三司官らの拝礼の所作が詳しく記述されている。, A text about the rites carried out on the winter solstice in the garden of the main temple at Shuri. Made up of 18 sections.The Winter Solstice Rites are similar to those of New Year’s Day. The Mihaiza (a place for worship) was set up in the north temple of the garden. The public servants who were just starting in the Royal Government, would all face north and pray towards Beijing. Next, the king would go to the second floor of the main temple, and various public servants would face the karahafu (cusped gable) and pray for the king.Also included in the text, it states that the preparations for the Winter Solstice Rites started at about 3am, that when the King moves in the rites they beat Taiko drums and includes the details of the conduct of rites by the Sanshikan and people in charge of ceremonies., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {冬至当日之公事} }