@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011728, author = {-}, note = {1冊 筆者及び年代不詳 11枚, 蔡温(1682~1761)の『自叙伝』に同じ。本書は冒頭の数丁を欠く。16歳の頃、小橋川仁屋(こばしがわにや)に罵倒され勉学に奮起する契機となった一件から始まる。進貢存留役(しんこうぞんりゅうやく:進貢船にて中国にわたる駐在役)で福州へ渡り、同地で湖広の隠者と出会い学問の「秘旨」を伝授されて実学に目覚めたこと、長史(チャグシ)・正議大夫(せいぎたいふ)役への昇進とその功績、尚敬王の師匠役となったこと、特に1719年に来航した冊封使(海宝・徐葆光)一行への対応で苦慮した「評価事件(はんがーじけん)」(冊封使節団の積載商品の買上をめぐるトラブル)での八面六臂の活躍を詳記する。蔡温の人物像を知る上で貴重な史料である。, The same as Sai On’s (1682-1761) “Jijoden”. This book is missing the first few pages. Starts with the incident where he was mocked by Kobashigawa Niya, which is what first stirred him to study.This records the story of how the officials in China met scholars there and began to study practical sciences, leading to them deciding to study it further also includes the promotions of Chagushi and Seigi Taifu up to the official teachers of King Sh? Kei, and details of how competent they were in all fields, especially in Hanga Jiken, the arrangements for the envoys in 1719.This is a valuable historical record, as well as containing Sai On’s image., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {蔡氏具志頭親方文若案文} }