@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011734, author = {石沢, 兵吾}, month = {}, note = {明治22(1889)年 1冊 27cm 東陽堂(出版), 石沢兵吾(いしざわひょうご)著。1889年、東陽堂より発行。もとは国営であった漆器製造は廃藩置県後に民業となったが、県庁にある貝摺奉行所(かいずりぶぎょうしょ)からの引継書類中には、製造に係る図画、仕様帳など貴重な書類があり、福原県知事の命を受けてそれらを詳記することになったと、編集の経緯を述べている。内容は、漆器の種類、色の解説、製造に係る費用を記した文書類、製造年代・名称を付した漆器の図案が収められている。, Written by Ishizawa Hyogo. Published in 1889, by Toyodo. Lacquer ware production, which was originally state managed, became private enterprise after the establishment of prefectures in 1871. Shows the sequence of events of how in the transfer of documents from the Office of Shell Works were important documents including diagrams of production and specifications, and so Prefectural Governor Fukuhara requested that these be recorded in great detail. Its contents include types of lacquer ware, details of the colours, expenses relating to production, as well as drawings of lacquer ware with name and date recorded., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {琉球漆器考}, year = {1889}, yomi = {イシザワ, ヒョウゴ} }