@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011756, author = {宮良村耕作筆者西表仁屋 and 2021/9/8 16:08}, note = {1件。2丁。25.3×57.8cm。楮紙。同治12(1873)年9月3日。, 同治12年(1873)の屋敷売渡しの証文。石垣島宮良(ミヤラ)村の耕作筆者(コウサクヒッシャ)の西表仁屋(イリオモテニヤ)なる人物が、所有する屋敷を売却したことを示す証文である。証文中に登場する同じく宮良村の仮若文子である西表仁屋が保証人であると考えられ、また断定はできないが、宛名に記されている蔵元役人の若文子(ワカティクグ)石垣仁屋(イシガキニヤ)が、売却相手である可能性が高い。西表仁屋は、借金返済のため家を売却しようとしたが、近年は八重山全体が困窮しており、買い手がつかなかったことを記している。, A contract indicating the sale of a property in 1873. The documents show that Iriomote Niya, who was a Kousaku Hissha (writer for cultivation) for Miyara Village on Ishigaki Island has sold his house. Another Iriomote Niya, who was employed as the Kariwakateikugu in the same village, was his guarantor. Although not confirmed, it is highly likely that the addressee Ishigaki Niya, who was a Wakateikugu of the Kuramoto was the buyer. It seems that Iriomote Niya sold his house to repay his debts but according to the records, Yaeyama was under poor economic conditions at the time and buyers were scarce., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {証文} }