@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011766, author = {- and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {1件。2丁。26.3×74.0cm。亥11月4日。, 奉公人と「旅勤」(沖縄本島に出張すること)を任命する史料。頭・在番などの連署あり。作成年代不明。役につけるのは年長者からであったが、今回は年齢に関係なく任じるとある。, Appointments of houkounin(elites who work as public servants) and tabidsutome( officials who goes on trips to mainland Okinawa). Has the joint signiture of the Kashira and Zaiban. Usually people were appointed according to seniority but in this case they were appointed without regard for age. Year written unknown., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {(頭3人より奉公人役出並旅勤引目の事)} }