@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011808, author = {松茂氏當宗(筆写) and 2009/6/5 16:46}, note = {1件。11丁。26.2×19.0cm。楮紙。光緒14(1888)年11月筆写。, 本史料は、屋富祖親方(鄭章觀)(やふそおやかた・ていしょうかん)が程順則(ていじゅんそく)の徳行を漢文体で記録したものを、尚育王が喜納親雲上に命じて和文体で書き改めさせ、道光24(1844)年に完成し、それを松茂氏當宗(まつもしみやらとうそう)が光緒14(1888)年に筆写したものである。, A record of Tei, Junsoku's virtuous deeds were originally written in Chinese by Oyakata Yafuso (Tei, Shoukan). This was then ordered to be translated into Japanese by King Shoiku to Peechin Kina, which was completed in 1844. The document on hand is a hand-written copy of the Japanese version by Matsumo, Tousou in 1888., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {程順則由来} }