@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011822, author = {石垣目差(編) and 2021/9/8 16:10}, note = {内題:丑年漂着外国人介抱之諸品寄不足之品村々より諸雑物寄替請取帳。編著者:石垣目差。形態:筆書。光緒3(1877)年。1件。4丁。序文・奥書:無し。保存状態:不良。, 外題の一冊に綴じてある文書の一部。表題の浮者外国人の意味は不明。 漂着したよそ者の意か? 介抱に必要な諸品の徴収について, 不足の品を各村から立て替えて集めた時の記録簿か。 登野城村,大川村,桃原村からそれぞれ立て替えの品, かや,まて竹,大名竹,黒次大縄,灯木の数量を記している。, One part of the documents binded under this cover. The meaning of the section title floating foreigners is unclear. Perhaps it refers to the refugees drifted ashore. This document may be a list of the goods requested of the villages in order to take care of those foreigners. Includes the quantities of goods collected by Tonogusuku Village, Ookawa Village and Toubaru Village with items such as hay, different types of bamboo, kurodsugu ropes and lighting wood etc., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {丑年御在番様招請之時諸品渡帳} }