@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011832, author = {饒平名仁屋(編)ヵ and 2009/6/5 16:41}, note = {編著者:宮良殿内,包丁人,か?光緒2(1876)年。12.6cm×38cm。6丁。序文・奥書:無し。保存状態:不良。, 宮良殿内に勤める包丁(料理人)による在番接待の折りの覚え書きのようである。饗応料理の献立構成および各料理に必要な材料と分量の見積りを記している。御本膳,二の膳 に始まり,御引肴,鉢肴,後菓子の類まで材料と分量について詳細に記述しているが,調理法に関しては書かれてない。, This seems to be the notes of a cook who worked at Miyara dounchi for the reception of Zaibans (Government officials from mainland Okinawa.) The contents included the banquet menu itself and the estimated quantities of different ingredients for each dish. Although there were detailed notes on the quantity of ingredients for the mains,various side dishes, and desserts, those recipes were not recorded., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {光緒二年子正月二九日御在番様招請之時自分考帳} }