@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011838, author = {宮良當整(筆写) and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {1件。27丁。楮紙。, 本史料は、宮良殿内文庫文書番号41「諷(うたい)」と同じく謡本である。前欠であるので前半部は確認できないが、「竹生鴫(たけおしぎ)」と「蝉丸(せみまる)」が収められている。, Similar to source no. 41 in the Miyara-Dounchi Library, this book is a utaihon, or music score that shows the lyrics and instructions on how to sing them. Although due to incompleteness, the contents of the first half of the music cannot be confirmed, the latter half is identified to include the songs takeoshigi and semimaru., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {諷} }