@misc{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011915, author = {鄭其昌(書) and 2021/9/8 16:09}, note = {1件。2丁。33.0×28.8cm。唐紙。, 鄭其昌の書。「凡事退一歩想」(オヨソコトハイッポヒキテオモウ)と書かれ、書面左に縦書きで「鄭其昌」(テイキショウ)と名が記してある。右側には「経徳堂」(ケイトクドウ)の印がある。宮良殿内に伝わった経緯は不明である。鄭其昌は、久米村鄭氏の19世で、道光21(1841)年に生まれ、鄭氏家譜によれば、咸豊元(1851)年に真和志間切(マワシマギリ)古波蔵(コハグラ)村の地頭職に就いている。「経徳堂」は堂号。, A book by Tei, Kishou. Take a step back when thinking is written on the cover, with his name written vertically on the left-hand side. Keitokudou is stamped on the right. It is unclear as to how this book became a a part of the Miyara-Dounchi collection. Tei, Kishou is the 19th generation of the Tei family and was born in 1841. According to his genealogical chart, he was employed as the Jittoushoku of Kohagura Village in Mawashi Magiri in 1851. Keitokudou is the name of the hall., 沖縄関係コレクション}, title = {鄭其昌の書} }